Sunday, March 27, 2016

Are you ready for college?

People go off to college unprepared and not aware of how many more responsibilities your going to have being an adult. The transition to college is important because there is a lot more of everything, work,people, and classes. Especially being the first year of college you have to try in order progress and be successful in your later years of school.

An article I came across on the Business Insider about what high schooler's/young adults should know before going into college.  In the beginning of the article Vivian Giang says this about most young adults "They're unprepared for the college-level coursework, financial responsibilities and freedom that they've been granted all of a sudden." I do agree with this and believe this is true because the transition from not worrying about much to being overwhelmed from everything your facing, for many that is what happens but not everyone.

Many students face the same problems in college that pressure them everyday. In my second article it talks about several problems that are putting these students under pressure like debt, depression, time management, social problems, health,working too hard on oneself, etc. Every college student faces at least one of these problems throughout  For each one of these listed in the article they all have a problem and solution explained to each one of them. At the end of this article it says that it's worth it to go through all this pressure because at the end it will be worth it, In the end it also states that"If you ask students, eight out of ten will say it is."

I did answer one of my questions I did have during this research like what pressures are these students facing? 
What will help students be successful in college? How long do you want to attend college for?

Source Citations
"Ten Common Problems Students Face in College |" Ten Common Problems Students Face in College n.d. Web. 15 Mar. 2016. 

Giang, Vivian. "14 Things High Schoolers Should Know Before They Go To College." Business | Business Insider, Business Insider, Inc, 16 July 2013. Web. 19 Mar. 2016.

Monday, March 14, 2016

Too Much Pressure on Teenagers to Go to College?

Do teens have the time in high school, for the decision to go to college?
What makes teenagers obligated to go to college?
Are teens afraid of not going to college and not being successful?
What influence does today's society, parents, and friends have on your decision?
Is it the decision to go to college or something else?

College, it's on many teenagers minds throughout high school while finishing their final year of being a high schooler. I was definitely uncertain on my decision of continuing school either right after high school, the next semester, do I even go at all? . My decision was certainly last minute just because I was undecided on what to do, I ended up registering and coming to school to see if I would like it.  My biggest concern with making a decision was will it all be worth it in the end? I tend to ask everyone I meet that is a college graduate, "if college was worth it?" I ask because I try to get as much advice or suggestions as I can.

I feel like a lot of college students continue school not because they want to but since one sees everyone going including your friends/peers. Most of these students choose the right thing to do (which is go to college) but don't choose what's best for them, I do know college isn't for everyone. The people that are with you everyday like your family are there to give you advice and guide you, not the situation with every one's families because a lot of college students have support from no one.

For me school is very important, everyone should go if they can but it all depends on the person, what they're majoring, Is there a market for their major?, Does the major make sense?, How are they going to put their degree to use?  To continue bettering your education because it is very important in today's society to be well educated.

This is important because lots of young adults are going into debt fresh out of high school, unless I'm the only one who thinks this not okay. In my opinion, if one goes to college really with no intentions or go because one is compelled to/expected one is less likely to succeed.